Are you about to rate or review Tabletop Codex?
First of all – THANKYOU! Ratings and reviews are very important to an app’s success, and thanks for taking the time to rate my app.
Just before you do, I’d like to ask you to leave a 5 star rating and/or glowing review. And here’s why.
This is the first time I’ve made an app, and it’s been a very long, difficult, and expensive journey. I first started making these rules summaries 20 years ago, and they’ve taken up huge amounts of my free time since. From very early on I wanted to make an app to make them even more usable. And here it is!
So if you have any issues, I want to hear about it BEFORE you leave a less than perfect review! Because then I might be able to fix them and make Tabletop Codex as perfect as it can be!
If you’d like more information about the making of Tabletop Codex, the investment in its future, reasons why this is a service, not just an app, and my thoughts on the pricing structure, you can find lots of information here: